Serving Clients Full Circle



Listen to the weekly podcast “Around with Randall” as he discusses, in just a few minutes, a topic surrounding non-profit philanthropy. Included each week are tactical suggestions listeners can use to immediately make their non-profit, and their job activities, more effective.

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Posts tagged leadership
Episode 214: Institutionalist vs. Change - How to Keep the Basic Core of who you are While Embracing Change

This episode of Around with Randall explores the balance between preserving core institutional values and embracing necessary change in the nonprofit sector. While institutions serve as the foundation of trust, mission, and community impact, stagnation leads to decline. Drawing from historical figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Franklin Roosevelt, illustrates how institutions can evolve through strategic process changes without compromising their core missions. As a BONUS, explore a roadmap for nonprofits, focusing on identifying sacred values, engaging stakeholders, incremental change, and consistent communication to ensure long-term growth and sustainability.

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Episode 205: Partnering with the Easy Referral Agents or the Correct Referral Agents

In this week’s episode, we look at the importance of leveraging referrals from board members, clinicians, and data to maximize major gift fundraising efforts. Learn how referrals significantly increase the likelihood of donor engagement and gift size, with studies highlighting how connections from trusted sources like board members and physicians improve fundraising success. Finally, we answer the question: What are the strategic approaches can you use today to select the right referral sources?

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Episode 203: What I Would Tell My Younger Self About Professional Success - And How to Get There

This week on Around with Randall, we share invaluable advice for younger nonprofit professionals. What is the importance of staying observant and proactive, keeping your heads down and ears open to understand the dynamics of a workplace? We’ll also bring key recommendations, how to strategically take chances, and prioritize skill development over career advancement. Integrity, mentorship, and continuous learning are essential for long-term success in the nonprofit sector.

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Episode 197: Selecting Board Members - The Correct Ones in the Correct Timeframe

Let’s talk about boards. Beyond traditional governance roles, board members' primary responsibility is connecting the organization with the community. It is mission critical to understand the importance of having a board who can build relationships, make introductions, and actively engage in the organization's mission. Create a diverse, well-connected board, visualizing community representation, and developing a long-term, strategic process for recruitment and good things will follow.

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Episode 193: Aesop was Right 2500 Years Ago – Why I Tell so Many Stories

Stories create connections by sharing personal experiences and vulnerabilities, helping others see their own paths through self-discovery. They are more memorable and engaging than mere lessons, as they evoke emotions and foster empathy. Effective storytelling should include personal failures, be relevant, concise, and provide a clear summary to ensure impact. Ultimately, storytelling builds trust and rapport, which are crucial for meaningful relationships in both personal and professional settings.

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Episode 191: Collaboration – Important, Underutilized, and Needed for Success

In this edition of Around with Randall, we focus on collaboration. From the moon landing to scientific discoveries, all rely on a collective effort rather than individual achievement. We will also address the benefits and challenges of collaboration, stressing the importance of clear roles, effective communication, and trust to overcome obstacles and achieve shared goals.

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