Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Posts tagged value
When Have Volunteers Been More Valuable? The Answer is Never.

Volunteers. In 2023, their contributions are valued at $33.49 per hour! However, their impact extends way beyond labor savings. Volunteers expand a nonprofit’s capacity, offer specialized skills, and credibility – making them a crucial asset during tight times. The sooner you understand the importance of investing in volunteer engagement, the sooner it will become a game-changer for your organization.

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Bank Fees Gone Crazy---What Are You Supposed to Do?

A recent Bloomberg article revealed that ATM fees outside one’s bank have surged, with Atlanta's average hitting $5.66 per transaction, despite these transactions being automated. Banks are also now charging for basic services like paper statements, which feels excessive. This shift in banking revenue practices highlights a growing disconnect between banks and customer satisfaction.

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Randall Halletteconomy, value, money