Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Process, Process, Process Always Wins the Day

No matter how many times I see “the story,” I always shake my head in the same manner. It just boggles my mind how this continues to happen over and over.

So what am I referring to? 

A nonprofit organization has its coffers raided by a top-level employee who steals money from the finances of the organization. 

This time it was from the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Recently, a woman was sentenced to four years in federal prison for stealing more than $2.6 million from the nonprofit over many years. She, of course, spent the money on gambling and luxury vacations. What I find most frustrating is the comment from the president of the organization who basically said that the organization “mistrusted” this individual and has implemented a number of procedures to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Where was the leadership before the money was taken???--- that’s my question.

It doesn’t make a difference how big the nonprofit is, the basic processes and procedures to protect the finances of a nonprofit should be very defined and protect the organization from any possibility of theft. We see it with churches, parent groups, and now a very large environmental group. When are nonprofits going to take the trust that the community has in them seriously and ensure their appropriate process and procedures to protect finances?

While there’s no doubt that the thief should go to prison, I also wonder what should be done to the nonprofit board, the CEO, and other leaders/executives who allowed whatever process was in place to continue for years--- because that is what allowed the theft to occur. It’s not an excuse for the fact that person going to prison is the most culpable here….but there is culpability for leadership in this situation. Setting up process and procedures is a basic 101 principle that protects the nonprofit and its community profile/trust that should be of the upmost importance.