Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Yoda or Luke?   Being Surprised by Podcasts and Blogs


More than nine months into this endeavor I call “Hallett Philanthropy” and I am shocked to see the amount of material that has been produced, hopefully, to benefit others. Specifically, more than 50 podcasts have been posted with nearly 120 blogs being completed, all within the first 300 days of the firm.   And videos are soon to arrive.

I have to be honest. I’ve asked the people I work with to not tell me if any are being read, listen to, or watched. It’s not why I do it. As I enter the second half of my career, I realize how fortunate I have been in garnering some amazing experiences that have led to a few successes here and there. I want the latter part of my career to be one of being a teacher. Helping others. Making a difference. That’s why I try to make the podcast, in particular, somewhat “evergreen“ to ensure that they’re useful not just today but always.  

Maybe a different way to look at it comes from a book I am reading on marketing.   Donald Miller has an entire series of thoughts on brand and storytelling.  Relevant here is what he says about being more of the “Yoda” figure that instructs the “Luke’s” of the world.  When I first read the concept from the book, it made such sense to me immediately.  I was the “Luke” for many years…always the youngest one in the room given too much responsibility and not really knowing if I could do it, but too dumb not to try.  Now I find such joy in helping CDO’s, ED’s, MGO’s, etc. as they go and attack the problems of the world….and letting them have all of the credit for the success.  

I also would have to admit that I’m surprised, as the recalcitrant citizen of the 20th century, that I have adopted doing a podcast, with a video, and producing blogs so regularly. But the classroom of today is so different than the classroom of yesteryear. Online is the 21st-century lecture hall. And I have adopted it...or maybe it has adopted me.  Either way, I only hope it’s helping someone to find their own “force” in making a difference.

Randall Hallett