Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Are the Basics Sometimes “Not Basic” to Others?

It’s back to school time. The annual ritual of preparing your child for another year of education. In my case, that means grade school. And we’re going through the normal routines. We just received our supply list necessary for the classroom. We ordered most of it online with a large retailer and picked it up quickly. However, later that night, my wife stopped me and asked how much I thought all of the supplies cost. I had to answer that I didn’t know. But it did make me think.


How many families, with the current pandemic situation or just in general, struggle to have supplies available for their children?  My wife’s question led me to think about my sister, a former elementary school teacher who purposely chose to work in one of the poorest communities in a large city school district. And, at the beginning of every year, would furnish an immense amount of supplies for her students. The heart of a teacher and a saint.  For us, closest to her, it never surprised me when she would quietly make sure every student had whatever was necessary, dipping into her own wallet most of the time.  

Ironically, that evening on the news, there was a reminder that one of our local television stations was leading an effort to collect backpacks full of supplies for kids who didn’t have the resources to purchase them. It’s another reminder of the power of giving. The power of helping someone else. But, more in line with my wife than with me, you need to have your eyes open to see the issue. I’m glad my wife reminded me of that and that will allow us maybe to help someone else as well. Can you do the same?

Randall Hallett