Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Telemedicine is Here to Stay

For the past several years, there’s been such an increase in using virtual/video communications. Then the pandemic happened. As a result, massive increases in tools like Zoom and GoToMeeting took hold of our professional lives as a replacement for face-to-face communication.

At the same time, again because of the pandemic, medical care became more of a challenge due to infection rates and not wanting to spread COVID-19. And, in stepped the idea of a “virtual physician visit.”  While I had read about this quite a bit, and even experienced it to some degree because of my work in supporting healthcare philanthropy, I ran into this new way of thinking firsthand here recently. 

A family member needed some medical attention to diagnose a particular issue, and it was recommended to have the physicians/doctor’s office visit virtually, through the equivalency of Zoom via telephone. I was skeptical. And yet, during the visit, which took place at home, the physician — within 45 seconds, by asking questions and then viewing the area of concern, diagnosed the issue. The physician then was able to prescribe medication which was picked up at the pharmacy in less than 30 minutes.

There was no going to a physician’s office, waiting in the waiting room, or wasting time. And from the physician's side, it was shorter, more efficient, and the result was the same—caring for a patient’s needs. While I may have been a doubter before, the idea of virtual visits is going to become more of the norm. And if my experience recently is any indication, it’s a nice addition to the menu of medical support one might seek.
