Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Philanthropy First In Times of Chaos

What’s happening in Ukraine is an epic travesty where one country’s thoughtless, unprovoked, malicious invasion is causing massive problems, issues, and tragedy to people in Ukraine who did nothing to deserve this near genocide. While the international, political, and humanitarian outcomes are far from known or complete, there is a reminder of the importance of nonprofits.

I noted, while watching the horrors of war, that there were immediate calls for humanitarian aid. And all of it is working through some form of philanthropy or nonprofit organization. When the world’s population needs assistance, it’s philanthropy that moves the most quickly. People want to help other people. In this case, most of the civilized world wants to help Ukraine and the people who are suffering.

While it’s incredibly sad that there’s a need for food, medicine, and other basic life needs, it’s a reminder of the goodness within the hearts of most citizens in this world. People can feel like they’re doing something small by making a financial gift or donating an item to help the people of Ukraine. As I talk about gratitude quite often, the idea and the action of generosity through philanthropy helps the recipient with physical and real needs, while at the same time allowing the donor/giver to feel good about helping others.

Here’s hoping for two things: that Russia and its troops go home, and that the Ukrainian people get their freedom back.  Until then, we can all be more aware of the world’s challenges and devastation while giving prayers, grace, and tangible needs to the people of Ukraine through the simple concept of philanthropy.

Randall Hallett