Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Philanthropy Can and Does Change the World

Do you ever need reassurance that philanthropy can change one person’s, a community’s, or everyone’s world? If you doubt it, you’ll need to check out an opinion piece, which is more of a news story, from the Deseret News.  (

The story, by Lee Benson, talks about a man who wanted to make a difference. He started a nonprofit three years ago with the idea of creating a mobile hospital, really a portable surgical center on wheels, that can be driven into communities and stay as long as necessary to take care of patients with immense needs. This moving treatment center includes doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, and medical equipment, all being brought into places in the world where there are very few hospital services. How did it go? In three years, he’s raised enough to build one mobile surgical center.


His inspiration came early on in his life when he was on a mission trip and realized that there were so many people in Thailand that couldn’t afford healthcare. That experience, nearly 50 years ago, helped shape his life in a way of wanting to help other people.

Three years ago, this was just an idea in one man’s mind. Now the one surgical center, which is stationed in Mexico at the current time, is taking care of thousands of people. One man’s dream, thinking beyond himself and for the bigger purpose, has generated millions and millions of dollars in philanthropic support. If you ever needed reassurance, this is why “big ideas” should always be a part of fundraising and ultimately the philanthropy we look to engender.