Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Being Optimistic During the Pandemic

Before the Covid-19 outbreak, I worked at least 40 percent of the time, sometimes as much as 60 percent of the time, while traveling. I spent a lot of time in planes, hotels, rental cars, going to clients, coming from clients, or just trying to make a flight. However, since the pandemic started, everything has changed. I’ve traveled very little, and I’ve realized a few things.

First, my wife is a saint and an angel. While I always knew moms are amazing (from watching my own mother when I was growing up) I now watch my wife with our two kids in our house and I believe in her sainthood now more than ever. She works ten times harder than I ever thought.  She has more patience than Job and a better disposition than the Easter bunny. I’m so glad I tricked her into marrying me.

Professionally and personally, I’ve also realized how much I like being at home at night.  I like being a husband and a dad.  My own father had such a great work ethic and I try to model that same behavior. For most of my career, travel was just a normal part of my weekly routine. I didn’t complain…I just got it done. But having dinner nightly with my kids and seeing my wife every evening makes me smile. It’s a great reminder of how fortunate I am.

Covid-19 has caused so many changes for everyone it’s hard to list them all. Some changes are more challenging than others, but I am focused on the optimistic side of this experience. Nothing beats a smile from your child as they look at you from across the dinner table. That is something I will always be grateful for.