Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Office Decorum and Appropriateness….The Next Generation

The office (physical locale) is a little chaotic right now.   Whether it is flex or remote scheduling, half empty spaces, how to interact with clients/others, or the cultural change in the evolution adjustments to dress codes, we are certainly in a different space than just four years ago.  

An article in Beckers (Gen Z gets schooled on office etiquette) indicated a particular challenge with professional “basics” based on recent newer employees’ past experiences.  With the pandemic, then and now, students did not have and still do not have the “in-person” experience many of us lived through years and decades before.  Recent college and high school grads went to class via Zoom with little thought of dress codes or face-to-face interaction.  And now, as the article indicates, there is an issue with expectations about dress, timeliness, and about basic etiquette, even table manners, and how to handle themselves with clients/people.

I had a dear friend recently asked me if I would mock interview his son for a class.  I was glad to oblige.  We chose to Zoom for convenience.  The young man was early, dressed in a sport coat, cleaned up, and in an appropriate location (quiet). All of these were the first things I noticed when we started…he was serious about this opportunity.  And that would bode well for when he interviews for real.  In addition, he was clear and concise in our communication.  Again, a big plus.

I may be the wrong person to ask about my opinion regarding all of this—the guy who showers every morning before seeing anyone, almost always wears a collared shirt, wears slacks most days, and strikes up a conversation nearly everywhere.   Right or wrong, first impressions (overall or each day) still count.  And building relationships is a cornerstone of human life.  Some might argue, but they do.  How you appear (dressed, cleaned up, appropriate to the environment) is witnessed by others…and your ability to look like you fit and can communicate is all about putting your best foot forward where it might be the advantage you need to get to where you want to go.