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Writings by Randall

Man crush…With Justification

I love college football. I certainly enjoy professional football, but not at the same level. But there’s one pro player who always grabs my attention. I always will prioritize, if possible, watching him. My wife even has accused me of having a man-crush.

I love watching Tom Brady play football. There’s very little argument anymore that he’s the greatest quarterback of all time. He’s moving into the category to be the unchallenged greatest football player of all time. And I love to watch.

My wife asked me recently why. I was able to give a quick answer. I love the fact that he defies the expectations every week based on the public limitations placed on him regarding age. I love watching someone be the absolute very best of not only their profession but who they can be, individually. I love the fact that he is a phenomenal teammate and values winning more than the individual accomplishments he’s earned. I love the fact that he’s willing to sacrifice so much in his personal life for excellence while still maintaining priorities of family and basic values. In short, you don’t find those who accomplish so much who seem, from a long distance, to be so down to earth.

Maybe it’s a mythology I like. We’re so often disappointed by appreciating someone and then having them disappoint you, even if you don’t know them. Even if they’re at a far distance of relationships and/or geography. There’s no question that Tom Brady is not perfect. No one is. But no one has done what he’s doing. He’s a trailblazer. I like people who go against the grain, who challenge the status quo, who aren’t willing to be categorized or limited by others, and who see more in themselves than the rest of the world does. 

I’ll keep watching and appreciating while I can because one day, he will retire…and most likely, there won’t be anyone else every like him.

Randall Hallettleadership