Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Let’s Not Forget Volunteers

For many charities, volunteers are the lifeblood of not only function, but success. They bring enthusiasm, diverse skills, and fresh perspectives, helping to drive the mission forward. Whether it's a local food bank, an animal shelter, or a global health initiative, or a large hospital, volunteers play a crucial role in the mission of the organization.

For me, I witnessed their key contribution when my kids’ school re-introduced “Field Day.” The school (principal and teachers) really did not want to put it on. Here come the volunteers to organize, promote, and operate a 3-hour event with more than 175 participants…all 12 and under. Now that is amazing volunteerism.

Overall, volunteers bring so much to our nonprofit organizations, including the following:

• Volunteers extend the reach of a nonprofit far beyond what the paid staff could manage alone. Imagine trying to organize a large community event or a fundraising drive without volunteers. It would be nearly impossible! Volunteers provide the extra hands needed to handle logistics, engage with participants, and ensure everything goes off without a hitch. Their involvement can turn a small team into a formidable force for good.

• Volunteers bring a range of skills and experiences that can benefit the organization in countless ways. Some volunteers might have professional expertise in areas like marketing, finance, or IT, offering valuable insights and assistance that the organization might not otherwise afford. Others might bring hands-on skills, whether that's cooking, construction, or care giving, directly contributing to the nonprofit's services.

• Volunteers also inject a fresh perspective into the organization. They come from diverse backgrounds and can offer new ideas and approaches that might not have been considered before. This can lead to innovation and improvements in how the organization operates and serves its community. Plus, their passion and commitment can be incredibly motivating for everyone involved. Seeing people give their time and energy for a cause can inspire staff members and other volunteers to stay dedicated and enthusiastic.

• Volunteers help create a sense of community. When people volunteer, they often form strong bonds with each other and with the organization. This sense of belonging can be incredibly fulfilling and can turn casual volunteers into long-term supporters and advocates for the cause. This community can also extend beyond the organization, fostering a network of people who are all working towards the same goal.

• Volunteers help increase the visibility and credibility of a nonprofit. When community members see their friends and neighbors volunteering, they are more likely to trust and support the organization. Volunteers often become ambassadors for the nonprofit, spreading the word and encouraging others to get involved. This can lead to increased donations, more volunteers, and greater overall support for the organization's mission.

• From a financial perspective, volunteers also represent significant cost savings. By providing their time and skills for free, they help the organization allocate more resources directly to its programs and services. This can be especially important for smaller nonprofits that operate on tight budgets. Every hour a volunteer gives is an hour that doesn't have to be paid for, allowing the organization to do more with less. In 2024, the “value” of an employee is $33.49 PER HOUR ( If you have 100 volunteers who work 10 hours each, that is a value of $33,500!

However, it's important to recognize that managing volunteers effectively requires effort and dedication. Nonprofits need to provide proper training, support, and recognition to ensure volunteers feel valued and capable in their roles. A well-organized volunteer program can make a huge difference in retaining volunteers and making sure they have a positive experience.

Volunteers are indispensable to the success of nonprofit organizations. They bring manpower, skills, new perspectives, and a sense of community that are vital for achieving the organization's goals. By leveraging the power of volunteers, nonprofits can expand their reach, increase their impact, and continue to make a difference in the world.