Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Fundraising Time, Clear Duties Needed During the Pandemic

I have a client who I work with who has an interesting dual responsibility---almost as it was 30 and 40 years ago. He is the chief development officer, in charge of all fundraising, for a California hospital. At the same time, he also holds responsibilities as the chief marketing officer. Frankly, he’s good at both. But his world is turned upside down and fundraising activities are taking a backseat.

California has mandated that all healthcare workers become vaccinated as soon as possible. While 90+ percent are doing so, or have already done so, without much comment, there is a vocal small percentage that has strong personal beliefs against either this vaccine or vaccinations in general. While I will not judge, I can say that this issue is deeply affecting my colleague and friend. His entire life is now dedicated to the marketing side of his dual responsibilities. 

  • In meetings with executives about communication issues

  • How to get out information to employees

  • What is it they’re going to do in emergency situations

All incredibly noble things but subtracting from his ability to think about fundraising at a critical time.

It’s not a criticism. It’s just an observation. But it’s important to realize two important factors. 

  • Number one, Covid, and this pandemic are affecting us all. Some are marginally affected. Others are deeply affected, particularly those who are sick and/or who have lost loved ones. But we’re all affected.

  • The second is an understanding that fundraising activities, whether through a foundation or development office, bring unique talent sets as a requirement as well as dedicated resources, most importantly time, to do our job well.

This is another growth in the professionalism of fundraising. We have to concentrate on the value and the positive impact we can have on our organizations. And eventually, if all settles down, we have to “toot our own horns” so to speak to ensure people know that this is a noble professional pursuit--- the ability to connect those who want to make a difference with those who can be a difference-maker. It’s not by accident that gifts come to fruition… It’s by hard work by an incredibly dedicated group of leaders.

Randall Hallett