Serving Clients Full Circle

Writings by Randall

Finding leadership basics in a TV Show

I have to admit, I am absolutely not a popular culture person. I love Jeopardy, but my wife just giggles when the category becomes something of today’s popular culture news and world. I may run two whole categories that I’m familiar with and then literally have no idea who the people even are in the answers that seek a question containing current-day news, norms, or fads. That is why I am so late to the game in knowing the TV show Ted Lasso.

The show, its creator, and its stars, plus writers, are winning awards worldwide. In watching a few episodes, I find myself entranced by the leadership components that run throughout. A soccer coach in England, brought over from the United States where he coached football, Ted Lasso is the head coach of a major league soccer team. And throughout, done with truly remarkable writing and a sense of humor, there are bits and pieces of great leadership traits and examples. Things like “be curious but not judgmental” or “teamwork is about having good actors and not recalcitrants” or the simplicity of “admit your mistakes and apologize.” These themes, and others like them run throughout. And that leads the team to greater success on the soccer fields of England….at least in the TV show.

Why is this off-the-wall, low budget, strangely entertaining yet odd show so popular? First, for me, it’s light and funny in tough and complicated times. But it’s also what we want leaders to strive for. The character Ted Lasso, while quirky and a little strange, is someone you hope you might work for. Someone who might be a friend. Someone you’d like to follow.

We’re all looking for a little bit of sunshine right now. Strangely, I found it in the TV show and I’ve learned and been reminded of an awful lot of important but basic leadership qualities along the show’s journey.

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Dana Kaufmanleadership